Kurtis McDonald
Academic English Writing Assessment Coordinator
• PhD in Education (concentration in Applied Linguistics) – Temple University
• MA in TESOL – Eastern Michigan University
• MLIS in Library and Information Science – University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
• BA in Sociology; B.Ed. in Spanish – The University of Michigan
Dr. Kurtis McDonald is an Assessment Coordinator with the IELP where he oversees testing for the Academic English Writing Program (AEWP). His primary research interests center on second language (L2) production, development, and assessment. He also maintains active interest in the areas of curriculum development, task-based language teaching (TBLT), Rasch measurement, L2 vocabulary testing, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), instructional technology, and information literacy instruction. Prior to his current administrative role, he was a Professor at Kobe College in Japan where he co-founded the English Education Research Center in 2013. In addition to his full-time positions, he has taught as an Adjunct Lecturer for the English Language Institute at the University of Michigan and in the Graduate College of Education at Temple University Japan.