Congratulations on your acceptance to The Ohio State University’s intensive English program, the American Language Program! You have taken the first steps toward improving your English language ability and ability to navigate higher education.
Before you arrive
Here is some important information to make your arrival and first couple weeks easier. OSU is a big university with strict rules regarding its policies and procedures. It is important to understand this information and to complete these items.
Activate Your OSU Account
We cannot register you for classes, on-campus housing, or OSU email until you activate your account at http://my.osu.edu. Don’t forget your Ohio State user name and password. You will use your OSU account and password daily to access your OSU email and Carmen, OSU’s learning management system. For complete directions to activate your OSU account, click here. If you need help, please contact 8help@osu.edu or call 1-614-688-4357.
Complete the Financial Responsibility Statement
After you activate your OSU account you can complete the Financial Responsibility Statement (FRS). We cannot register you for classes until you complete the FRS. Basically, this statement says that you (or your sponsor) will pay your tuition and fees at Ohio State. All Ohio State students must complete this statement at the beginning of every semester. Click here for directions for completing the FRS.
Set Up Your OSU Email
Check your OSU email with your OSU user name and password.
- Go to http://email.osu.edu
- Click Log in to Outlook for email.
- Enter your OSU username (lastname.#@buckeyemail.osu.edu) and your password.
Complete Vaccination Requirements for New Students
All new ALP students should bring the completed vaccination form to the Wilce Student Health Center and schedule an Immunization Consultation appointment. All vaccinations can be completed at the Wilce Student Health Center if you are unable to complete them before arrival. Questions about the vaccinations and their documentation can be sent to preventivemedicine@osu.edu or 1-614-247-2387. Click here for more information.
The following vaccinations are required for international students. All students must submit documentation from a licensed medical provider for the following vaccinations:
- Hepatitis B
Three (3) doses OR lab report confirming immunity. - Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Two (2) doses of MMR OR two (2) doses of Measles, two (2) doses of Mumps, and one (1) dose of Rubella OR lab report confirming immunity. - Polio (Only required for those students who will be younger than eighteen (18) at the start of the semester)
Four (4) doses of IPV or OPV. - Adult TDap
One (1) dose received within the past ten (10) years. - Tuberculosis Test
Skin or blood test completed no more than six (6) months prior to your arrival in the United States. - Varicella
Two (2) doses OR lab report confirming immunity. Documentation of history of disease does not satisfy the requirement.
Students new to OSU campus housing must provide documentation of vaccination for:
- Meningococcal conjugate (ACWY)
One (1) dose receives since age 16
For instructions on how to complete the requirement, please see the Vaccination Requirement page. Please find the vaccination form here.
Learn about Housing
Students are responsible for finding their own housing, but if you need suggestions, we can give you some information.
Get Your Supplies
Most ALP classes use textbooks, which are available at The Ohio State University Bookstore, and you will need a laptop or tablet in class daily. We recommend a laptop over a tablet. You can purchase a laptop computer at OSU’s Tech Hub, located in the Tuttle Park Place Garage, 2059 Millikin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210.
Arrival to Columbus, Ohio and Ohio State
You are responsible for transportation from the John Glenn Columbus International Airport. We recommend that you take a taxi or ride-share (such as Uber or Lyft) from the airport to your residence or hotel. Expect the taxi or ride-share to cost $25-$30 USD. Some taxis may accept credit cards. Ask the driver before leaving the airport if you can pay with credit card. If you can exchange some money before arriving to Columbus, please do so. After settling in at your residence hall or apartment, you will need to visit the ALP Office located at 356 Arps Hall.
After checking in at the ALP Office, we suggest you do the following:
- OSU Mobile App. Get a mobile phone and download the Ohio State Mobile app for iOS or Android.
- Student Identification Card/BuckID. Get your student ID card (BuckID) from the BuckID Office in Room 3040 of the Ohio Union (1739 N High St). Take the permission letter from the ALP Office before you go.
- Tuition and Fees. After you are officially enrolled in ALP classes, you can pay tuition and fees online at BuckeyeLink or go to the Student Academic Services (SAS) Building (281 W. Lane Ave). Sponsored students must give the ALP Office a copy of their financial guarantee before classes begin. Please speak with an ALP staff member in 356 Arps Hall or email us at alp@osu.edu if you have any problems.
- Health Insurance. If you have your own health insurance (e.g., from your government sponsor), you should waive your OSU Student Health Insurance at https://shi.osu.edu/secure/waiver/. You will need your OSU username, password, I-20, and your health insurance card. Please come to the ALP Office in 356 Arps Hall or email us at alp@osu.edu if you need help. You can also contact shi_info@osu.edu or 1-614-688-7979 if you have questions about health insurance coverage and waiving.