Philip Whitman
• PhD in Linguistics – The Ohio State University
• BA in Classics – The University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Philip Neal Whitman worked as a graduate teaching assistant in the ESL Composition Program (as then known) while earning his PhD. He returned as a lecturer in 2012, and now teaches in the Academic English Writing and Spoken English Programs. Outside IELP, he does freelance linguistics writing and research, including for the “Grammar Girl” podcast (2010-2021) and on the website “Visual Thesaurus” (2009-2016). Since 2016, he has also served on the Reynoldsburg Board of Education. Professionally and personally, he enjoys creating web resources. In IELP, he created the Spoken English Program interactive IPA charts. His school board work inspired him to create “Reynoldsburg City, Reynoldsburg Schools,” a publicly available GIS map showing various Reynoldsburg-specific boundaries. His two sons are also Buckeyes! One graduated in 2021, and now works as a field biologist. The other is majoring in music education, and a member of The Ohio State University Marching Band.