Yu-Chen Lin
Spoken English Assessment Coordinator
• PhD in Literacy, Cultural, and Language Education (with a focus in Language Testing) – Indiana University, Bloomington
• PhD minor in Inquiry Methodology: Educational Assessment and Psychological Measurement; Multivariate Statistics – Indiana University, Bloomington
• BA in Applied English
Dr. Yu-Chen Tina Lin is the Spoken English Assessment Coordinator of IELP. Her research focuses on integrated language assessments. She oversees testing for the Spoken English Program (SEP), which screens about 500 prospective International Teaching Associates (ITAs) per year. She designs testing, rating, and rater training materials, works with the assessment team to update and refine materials, and ensures validity, reliability, and fairness of OSU’s in-house English tests. She obtained the ETS TOEFL Grant for Doctoral Research in Second or Foreign Language Assessment and was a finalist for the 2018 Jacqueline Ross TOEFL Dissertation Award. She has presented at Language Testing, Applied Linguistics, and TESOL conferences. Graduate courses that she has taught at OSU include: Issues and Research in Foreign Language Testing and Assessment, Balanced Assessment for Teaching and Learning, and Independent Studies (Assessment Projects).